Dear God I come to you a sinner. I’ll keep this short because I know you have many children. Lord, I know you see all my sins and transgressions but I am here to confess them all the same. I know we haven’t spoken in a while but I hope you understand. I am ashamed to admit that lately, I only go on my knees and call your name while strangers make my toes curl and my eyes roll back. Please forgive me. I stole from your temple, which is my body, and sold it to the lowest bidder. You know it goes beyond a weakness of my flesh. Father, I honoured the sabbath and i tried to keep it holy but when i came to your house to draw closer to you, the pastors charged me a fee and told me the key to redemption was letting them anoint me between my legs . Forgive me for I yielded and touched your anointed. If thunder should strike me right now, I hope you let me into heaven. I know I am not worthy to abide with you but my demons and I have lived a hell of a life here already. Speaking of life, please forgive me for all those I ended.  All the little angels whose wings i clipped before they could ever fly. Please let them understand that it was me who was neither worthy nor ready for show them how to spread their wings. I hope my prayer reaches you. If Mary of Nazareth won’t read it to you, I know Mary Magdalene will. Got to go now. I’ll talk to you later. Thank you for listening. Amen.

Nana Obeng-Koranteng

IG: @nanaobengkoranteng

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